TRX sling trainer: effective functional training with your own body weight
TRX sling trainers stand for exercise! No matter what your training goal is: losing weight, defining muscles, or improving flexibility – TRX sling trainers are ideal fitness equipment for that. With its suspension trainers, TRX has become almost synonymous with functional training.
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TRX origins

TRX sling trainers were developed at the American elite unit NAVY SEALS. Randy Hetrick invented the sling trainer system as a portable and effective workout system that could also be used off base.

TRX – training philosophy

TRX training is based on a synergetic interaction of scientific knowledge from top research and from the military and professional sports sectors and on successful methods derived from collaboration with numerous athletes, professors, and experts in the field. Newly gained knowledge from training theory is regularly integrated into TRX training in order to meet the highest demands for topicality and progressiveness. The following basic values are characteristic of TRX training:

  • Consideration of the individual background and the current performance of the trainee through an adaptable, sustainable, and effective approach
  • The synthesis of training, play, strength, and flexibility aimed at holistic effectiveness
  • The use of versatile and adaptable fitness equipment for technical support of workouts
  • The design based exclusively on scientifically tested and proven methods
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